We have several Lenders that offer this program at different requirements, rates and loan-to-value.  Contact us for more details.

Eligible Borrowers:
• Non-Permanent Resident Alien is a Foreign National who is permitted to reside in the U.S. on a temporary basis and may even have authorization to work in this country. (Note: Under specific circumstances such a borrower may be eligible under the Non-Prime Lending Program).
• Non-Resident Alien is a Foreign National who is not authorized to live or work in the U.S. A true Foreign National may periodically visit the U.S. for various reasons including vacation and/or business. They may purchase property for either personal use or investment.
Please note that borrowers who are holders of Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITIN) may be considered for this program on a case by case basis.
Loan Program:
• Stated Income / Verified Assets
• Owner User & Investment
• SFR, PUD, Low & High Rise Condo, 2-4 units
• Terms, rates and fees are posted on the CSC Rate Guide entitled, “Outside of Dodd-Frank”.